Traducción en Español

Dear Son,

Frightening! Yes, I'm sorry to say The Detective from The Whitpain Township Police Department has stolen your toy guns. What is even more frightening is that the police officers had drawn, loaded weapons and put children and neighbors in the line of fire. That's right, as hard as it is to believe -- the Whitpain Township police officers that couldn't tell the difference between toy guns with "the orange barrels" and real guns had their Glock 9mm pistols out of their holsters and pointed at kids.

Not only is The Detective an embarrassment to law enforcement officers, he is also an embarrassment to the human race. Shame on him! He's not humane.

So, I'm sorry to say, The Detective refuses to admit to his mistakes and will not return your toys. What kind of Grinch is he? Is the public safe from these safety enforcement officers? What's a father to say to his son about these uncivil servants?

Your Dad

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